Together Forever and Never to Part

I recently finished a project and tried a new (to me) product: combination stain and polyurethane in a single can.

picture of a can of stain and polyurethane PolyShades by Minwax

It worked as advertised, but I’m not a fan. This happened to be PolyShades by Minwax, but I’m guessing that I wouldn’t like any stain-and-poly-together-in-one product by anybody.

The problem is that the simplicity takes away your ability to manage the shade of the stain.

In other words, you can’t keep sanding and applying poly to get a smoother, deeper finish, because each application results in more (i.e. darker) stain.

Here is what it looked like with zero, one, and two coats:

picture of some boards with stain and polyurethane PolyShades by Minwax

It turned out okay, but there were some spots that were rougher than I wanted, but I didn’t want to add more stain. And there were some spots where the stain had pooled and made the finish obviously darker than the surrounding areas, but I didn’t want to wipe off the poly.

I suppose it’s a fine product if you don’t care much about the finish. I didn’t think I would care as much as I did, but not having the ability to adjust little things frustrated me.

Go with separate stain and clear coat.

or a bag for your journey, or even two coats, or sandals, or a staff; for the worker is worthy of his support.

Matthew 10:10

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 12:31 am and has been carefully placed in the Projects category.

One Response to “Together Forever and Never to Part”

  1. erin Says:

    Sounds great for when I sand and stain our picnic table!

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