Better Than Avatar

This post is split into two parts. Read one or both or none, depending on which blogging platform(s) you use. Users

Hey all you Blogger/Blogspot users: are you tired of people on WordPress who don’t show your profile picture next to the comment you left? Do you want that profile picture instead of the default or randomly-generated icon?

The reason your picture doesn’t appear is that you are using only and not Now Gravatar is supposed to be a Globally-Recognized Avatar (where “Avatar” is an icon or small picture, not the movie with extra special effects to distract you from the lack of a good plot). But it requires people to sign up for the service and a bunch of people, mainly users, have not done so.

You have two options:

1. Sign up for

2. Tell the person who uses WordPress instead of to install Grab Avatar. Send them to the Grab Avatar page for details.

I recommend step #2 because if everyone does step #1 then I’m out of business.

WordPress Users

Hey all you WordPress users: are you tired of people on who leave comments but don’t have a Gravatar so you can’t display their profile picture? Now you can please everyone. Grab Avatar finds a person’s avatar whether it is on or

It is a simple process and doesn’t require any code editing. Just install the plug-in and it magically starts working. Visit the Grab Avatar page for details.

Just as we have borne the image of the earthy, we will also bear the image of the heavenly.

1 Corinthians 15:49

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 7:08 pm and has been carefully placed in the Technical category.

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