Slapstick Birds

There are some elements of slapstick humor that never grow old. One of those is people running into things. Replace people with animals, and it’s still fun. That was, if I remember correctly, a big portion of America’s Funniest Videos – people and animals running into or falling off things.

A couple months ago, we got our sliding glass doors (AKA patio doors) replaced, because they were drafty and cloudy and needed it. The view to the backyard is much better now, it’s like the glass isn’t even there, it’s so new and clear.

The animals think so too. We occasionally hear a “thump” and by the time we get over to the doors, there is nothing there. So don’t worry, no birds were harmed in the making of this blog post. But the birds did leave some evidence, so we do know that it was a bird.

Exhibit A:

image of bird residue left on a window after running into it

That was kind of faint, so here’s Exhibit B, with different lighting/exposure.

image of bird residue left on a window after running into it

And if you still didn’t see it, this panning shot should help. Exhibit C:

image of bird residue left on a window after running into it, animated to see it easier

It is hidden from the eyes of every living creature, And concealed from the birds of the sky.

Job 28:21

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 6:09 am and has been carefully placed in the Humor category.

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