A Pun is Brewing

Everyone seems to focusing on the interchange between Harbaugh and Schwartz this past weekend. But there was also a humorous exchange between Justin Verlander of the Tigers and Yovani Gallardo of the Brewers.

Most people missed that one, but Some Blog Site has exclusive footage of their conversation.

comic about the Justin Verlander and Yovani Gallardo discussing missing the 2011 World Series

Verlander: So, did your team make the World Series?
Gallardo: No!
Verlander: Oh well…
Verlander: Batter luck next year!

They were disappointed for they had trusted, They came there and were confounded.

Job 6:20

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This little article thingy was written by Some Guy sometime around 5:45 pm and has been carefully placed in the Humor category.

3 Responses to “A Pun is Brewing”

  1. Charity Says:

    I am not yet ready to joke about the Tigers. The last time I followed them this religiously was 1984, and we all know what happened that year. *sigh*

  2. Ricky Anderson Says:

    I like the title the best.



  3. Some Guy Says:

    It’s okay to joke about the Tigers, because the Lions and Wolverines are undef…


    Go Red Wings!

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