Archive for September, 2012

Start of Football

It’s September, the start of the NFL season. Time for me to update my win-loss prediction page.

Here’s the link: 2012 NFL season predictions.

Here’s the summary: MYW is off to a good start; it went 12-4 for week 1. My other prediction methods (MPW and MPWLS) were 10-6. And the other methods (HTW, ITP, ITPLS, DP, and DPE (mostly borrowed from TMQ)) were all 9-7.

If you need straight-up win-loss predictions, all 8 methods agree that the Cardinals will lose to the Patriots in week 2.

They judged the people at all times; the difficult dispute they would bring to Moses, but every minor dispute they themselves would judge.

Exodus 18:26

Detergent Caps

A Letter to the Manufacturers of the Caps of Liquid Detergents

Dear Detergent Cap Makers:

Please learn what contrast is and how to use it.

I’m supposed to fill the cap to level 1, 2, or 3. But I can’t read the numbers that are embossed on the cap. There is no contrast, so the numbers and the lines blend in with the rest of the cap. Is that the fill line, or is that the shadow from the screw thread?

It shouldn’t be that hard to read. Please don’t make laundry chores any more difficult than they need to be.


An Annoyed Consumer

Note: detergent companies, it is a very important letter, so please read all the lines.

Hint: if you are not a manufacturer of detergent caps and you want to know what I wrote, highlight the text with your mouse (or finger if you’re using a smartphone/tablet – you may need to copy/paste it into an email in order to read it). Those manufacturers don’t need this hint because they obviously have no problem reading things with no contrast between the background and foreground colors.

For my eyes are on all their ways. They are not hidden from me, nor is their iniquity concealed from my eyes.

Jeremiah 16:17

Political-Label Fruit Stand

Just in time for election season, here is a fruit and vegetable stand after the political groups’ PR firms adjusted the signs.

comic of a fruit stand with politically-correct labels instead of normal names

I suppose that we can call inanimate objects as we see them, because there is or was no agenda – just identification. How much of a person’s physical appearance are we allowed to use to identify him? Hair color is probably still okay, but skin color makes at least some people pause.

I think oranges are one of the safe items in that I can’t think of a politically-charged term to which a committee could change it.

I thought about including blackberries, but I’ll leave that as an exercise for you, the reader.

Related Note : Most of the black students at my college were from Jamaica. They were neither African nor American. Just by looking at someone as we passed in the hallway, I could not tell his national origin nor his citizenship. That’s why I prefer to call things, and people, as I see them.

And no people are the color of those potatoes, by the way, unless they are sunburned.

A man will be satisfied with good by the fruit of his words, And the deeds of a man’s hands will return to him.

Proverbs 12:14

Parenting Tips

Parent Tip: Do not leave a toddler unattended with a banana. Or blueberries. Unless you like cleaning them out of upholstery.

Parent Tip: If you’re carrying a child on your back or shoulders and you accidentally cause a minor injury (e.g. he’s swinging his legs as you walk through a doorway and he knocks his ankle against the frame, or you take a turn a little too wide and bump his shoulder on the wall corner), just say “Ouch!” before he does. This happens occasionally with Gamma, and when I say “Ow!”, he will laugh and correct me with “No, that was me!” and then he will forget that he was supposed to be hurt.

Parent Tip: If your pre-schooler asks for a bowl of Lucky Charms, give him only a dozen pieces at a time. He can get the next dozen pieces after he has eaten all of the current pieces. If you don’t run breakfast this way, he will have had a bowl of marshmallows and you will be left with a bowl of plain cereal pieces.

Give heed to me and answer me; I am restless in my complaint and am surely distracted,

Psalm 55:2

New Theme

It’s September, the start of the fall quarter. Time for me to update the theme on this blog.

As is usual, it’s not really a new theme – all I did was replace the images.

Anyway, here’s a slightly new look. Expect some tweaks in the days to come.

And if you don’t get it, here’s a link: Carcassonne by Rio Grande Games.

He built fortified cities in Judah, since the land was undisturbed, and there was no one at war with him during those years, because the Lord had given him rest.

2 Chronicles 14:6